AI is here. It’s not a problem to be solved. It’s a reality to be faced. The need for people to develop durable skills has never been greater.

Empower Your Learners with SkillBuild

The durable skills solution for employers, educators, and individuals.

  • Self-paced online courses using a roleplay simulation format
  • Built on our proven, award-winning Muzzy Lane Author platform
  • Includes AI coach to guide the learner towards completion
  • Turnkey solution for credentialing durable skills

How SkillBuild Works

This video gives an overview of the innovative, roleplay simulation-based pedagogy at the heart of SkillBuild courses. We harness the power of roleplay and storytelling to help learners practice and validate their durable skills.

Employer Demand

92% of employers say that durable skills, like critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, are more important than hard skills, but 89% say that it's hard to find candidates who have them. To make matters worse, the AI-driven transformation of the workplace is only increasing the demand for these skills. Learners who can prove they have these skills will have a leg up on competing for good paying jobs.

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Proven Solution

SkillBuild durable skills courses build on our 20+ years of experience delivering award-winning educational simulations. The courses are self-paced, browser-based, and generally take less than 10 hours to complete. Assessment is automated and the awarded microcredential can be added to your resume, displayed on social media, or stored in a digital wallet.

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Learn by Doing

Rather than ask learners quiz questions without context, SkillBuild courses put them into simulated workplace scenarios where they apply their skills to complete authentic challenges. These challenges are adaptively delivered by a virtual coach as the learner works their way to mastery of the course skills. SkillBuild courses are competency-based and deliver "just in time" remediation as needed.

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Try it yourself!

Want to see how SkillBuild assessments work? Click to access a sample intermediate assessment. The assessment should take roughly 15 minutes to complete and will give you feedback on your performance!


Ready to take the next step? Get in touch now!

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SkillBuild Course Catalog

Oral Communication Course
Muzzy Lane Logo
SkillBuild Course

Oral Communication

The capacity to speak with clarity and precision.


Resilience Course
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SkillBuild Course


The capacity to learn from experience and the capacity to adapt.

Intercultural Fluency Course
Muzzy Lane Logo
SkillBuild Course

Intercultural Fluency

The capacity to operate and communicate in different cultural contexts.

Collaboration Course
Muzzy Lane Logo
SkillBuild Course


The Capacity to work productively with different individuals and groups toward a common goal.

Creative Problem Solving Course
Muzzy Lane Logo
SkillBuild Course

Creative Problem Solving

The capacity to solve problems in new ways.

Initiative Course
Muzzy Lane Logo
SkillBuild Course


Self-efficacy and the capacity to identify needs and respond proactively.

Empathy Course
Muzzy Lane Logo
SkillBuild Course


The capacity to understand others' perspectives and feelings and to use this to improve personal and professional relationships, behaviors, team cohesion, and performance.

SkillBuild Features and Benefits